PMP是什么格式 ? 基本上PMP格式是针对PSP所设计的非官方格式 使用暴风影音可以看或是放在PSP上 PMP最大解析度是480 X 272(16:9) 在格式上跟mkv差不多也是个封装容器 副档名的PMP有两种
一种是PMP-AVC PMP又分两种版本
差异只有封装结构不同而已 封装的视频是XVID或DIVX编码的AVI 音频则是MP3 PMP-AVC
为目前PSP主流格式 封装的视频是x264编码的AVI 音频是MP3 转档: uploadfire/download?id=50FADDD1 解压到C:WINDOWSsystem32 开始 -> 执行 -> regsvr32 先试试用Windows Media Player能不能播放 支援DirectShow的转档软体都能转(如TMPGEnc)
参考: 百度
The question is so stranger... If you really say the file extension is .PMP it should be AutoCAD R2000 Plotter Model Parameters file extension... it NOT look like the video file... On the otherhands
if you say you have PMP (Proable Media Player)
it really depend on your PMP format support.... in the market... it just have ONE PMP hardware support to play RMVB file.... please double check your user manual.... *** whatever PMP you have
the PMP need the correct player to play the file.... Good Luck!!